Organizational Self-Assessment Tool

Has Your Organization Had a Check-Up Lately?


Assess Your Organization in 6 Key Areas:

√ Governance
√ Planning
√ Supervisory Management
√ Workforce Planning
√ Communications
√ Leadership

Brent Ives has been a consultant to special districts for over a decade. What he knows about the variables inherent in this level of public agency governance would fill a book. But you don’t need the whole book to improve the operation of your organization; you need tools and strategies tailored to your own variables. Upon thinking about how best to assist his clients with their vast organizational needs, Brent recognized that the first step is to assess each element of the organizational structure. He designed this assessment tool and planner based on his collective experience working with dozens of special districts.

“I look forward to helping your organization understand where you are and how you can optimize for increased productivity and accelerated results.” – Brent Ives

Organizational Health Assessment and Planner
Product Options
#OptionPriceDownloadFile Size
1Available as a download only$300.00Organizational Health Assessment and Planner for Special Districts 633.66KB
2Available as a download with an on-line consultation with Brent Ives$550.00Organizational Health Assessment and Planner for Special Districts 633.66KB
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