BHI offers a wide variety of workshops, retreats and study sessions facilitated by our Principal, Brent Ives, the founder of BHI , shares his expertise to help find common ground around common objectives. He applies BHI ‘s outcome-oriented principles to your needs.
Brent Ives has a broad range of experience in facilitating and moderating groups including district boards, nonprofit boards, county boards of supervisors, and city councils. He works with elected Boards, Commissions and/or Councils nearly every week. Workshops he has presented include strategic planning, public survey and information gathering, employee input groups, mission and vision seminars, and board unity-of-purpose workshops.
His expertise, skillful preparation, on-the-ground-experience, practical style, clear objectives and collaboration with you, our client, are keys to achieving the excellent results BHI has brought to client after client. Graphical means of representing your results can be adapted to your purposes.